I don't mind if it would stick around for a bit, I kind of like it when it dumps two feet on the ground and everything is bathed in white. It's kind of pretty. I just don't want to go anywhere when this happens.
I'm working on getting a photography business up and running, I'll do joint stuff with my sisters when it comes to weddings, because my crazy life often times doesn't allow for it, but I took family pictures for one friend and am slowly learning what works and what doesn't. i've created a blog, but haven't posted to it yet, and I think my website will be revamped eventually to go in this more commercial direction. blog is Risawn Studios, I'm going to spend the rest of this month getting up and running, and then next month I'm going to actually work at making a few bucks from it. It will highlight both Art and Photography, but I'll most likely show off my photography more, because it's more commercial and can make more money. But I'm not giving up on my art just yet.
I have the best hubby in the world. I feel quite blessed to
have found the perfect guy for me. I don't know how he puts up with me.
Snowmobiling = lot's of fun. But it is an expensive motor sport to get into, and I still haven't quite developed a knack for it. I like to turn my snowmobile over when trying to turn on a hill, and I can see if I am not to careful, this sport may just end up killing me.
Why is it taking my two cats to the vet is more expensive then taking my three horses? I would think by size that a 10 pound animal should be cheaper then a half ton animal. But cats will be vaccinated for rabies, I am not going to go through that question again.
I am actually learning how to cook. I've made a few meals from scratch already. Anybody who knows me knows that any development of my domestic skills is a huge accomplishment. I now need to work on maintaining the house.
That's all for now.