
The Notorious To-Do List

I need to make another list. Just a wee little one. It's a list of things I need to do once I get back from my 2 week vacation in Ft Lewis.
  1. Get Paycheck from Work and Deposit (I will REALLY be needing the money by that time)
  2. Unpack from trip
  3. Redo Website (becuase it was supposed to be temporary from the start and I bloody hate it)
  4. Clean Room
  5. Paint Room
  6. Look into buying Easle (this is a big maybe, We'll see)
  7. Update Webcomic, which will be in a soar need of updating and repair)
  8. Hopefully know something about the nature of the army in regards to the unit.
  9. Fix a workout regime that I can stick with.
  10. Stick to said workout regime.
  11. Find something to do with massive paintings that are starting to get on my nerves.
I'll be adding more. But meanwhile, that will have to do.

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