
Alright, had my monthly rant :)

Gosh darn it, if I have to be a loner, I'm going to be the best damn loner I can be!

Oh, and got to go back to work in about twenty minutes. Joy.

I'm also starting to see some slack in the area of comic strips. Mainly Creature. I got a comic drawn up, was supposed to have it posted yesterday but I got so busy working three eight hour shifts in a row at a job I hate. Ick. So I promised today and it's still not up. I'll put it up after I get off work. At 6.

Drew my friend Eto some fanart for her comic strip. I did one of Mory and MF and Mordred. They turned out alright, I guess. I'm my own worst critic however.

My back is peeling from my sunburn. Gross!

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