
Good News Bad News

In my section, the NCOIC (ie sergeant in charge) often disperses bits of information starting with the phrase "do you want the good news or the bad news?"

Sometimes I say "give me the good news, that way the bad news doesn't seem as bad" or sometimes I say "give me the bad news, so the good news can cheer me back up", depending on the circumstances.

Well, this is one of those good news bad news situations. I have to dispense with the bad news first.

Sofia Bulgaria is no longer on. Neither is the 25K DANCON road march. I was looking forward to both with much anticipation, and had to cancel them yesterday (well, technically, I postponed Bulgaria and will await the next road march, I hear they're having a 2 day 50 K road march, now that's an idea!)

Which brings me to the good news. I'm going to Greece instead. I had to cancel the Road March because doing both the Road March and then walking around Greece the next day was a very bad idea and would have left me very very miserable. And i can't do two retreats right after one another so Bulgaria has to wait until later this summer.

More specifically, I'm going to the community of Fillipi Greece, which is now in ruins. Now, if everyone flips open the New Testament, you will notice that one of the books in the New Testament is labeled Phillipians. In fact, I think there are a couple of books named Phillipians. These were specifically letters written by the apostle Paul to the people of Fillipi (also spelled Phillipi, depending on the map you read). This retreat is actually in relation to the journeys of Paul and the whole retreat is focused on him.

Being a Non Denominational Religious retreat sponsored by the chaplains, I shall be going to Fillipi and afterwards get to shop in Kavala which is right on the Aegean Sea. We get to explore Greek Ruins!

I'm mucho excited! I probably won't be blogging for those days, but I will take lots and lots of pictures and post a few online.

Gosh, I think the army should deploy me more often! What, with free concerts, Karioke (which is particularly scary) Kajukenbo and opportunities to see Greece and Bulgaria, I don't think I've had this much fun in a long time!

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